Saturday, September 09, 2006

Et oui Football Americain(english)
Ok ok it was a first time for me , i would say that we dont play american football in the streets
of tunisia ;) , Ok it was a first time for me , going to a football game in a university's champion ship with a lot of crazy americans hehe..... i pretty much liked it i might go another day ..
The thing that i didn't know is how famous it is not just for college students and young folks but also for old persons and mostly students parents and boone's people from all over.
They started everything early in the morning marching band , flags every where and then the cars were devastating the hole parkings spots and people aged between 29 to 60 years old were just here eating stuff and doing some barbecue sandwishes...
It was really great because it was smelling good everywhere .hehe.. well we went to see the game at 3 pm. It was pretty much full of students (because it was free ) and also they love the team because they got the championship trophe of 2005 , a good reason to do it*.
Well right infront of the door everybody is shouting ''ASU'' heh pretty neat , i thought they will be just watching .. well anyways there was a girl laying on the flour she was really wasted it was really weird for me and disgusting she couldn't even move her head .. well other than that we went to see the game it was a great athmosphere , i was really surprised i thought americans dont cheer their teams like we do in Tunisia but actually they do, i think only in football, well all they say is ''appstate,,,mointaineers,,,'' and also ''stop the kick'' and ''bullshit'' when the ball is not ours. Well anyways it was really great because they had like a marching band and they did really good it was great music, and i forgot before the game started there was some man in parachutes that were just right above the stadium and then they just came down in the middle of the field just like they were controlling something with a remote , you know kind of perfect action. Anyways we won, i still dont understand football , and i dont like it eather , but i really think that it was a lot of fun , crazy cheerleaders , and fun student event.
I'll tell you more in the next game until i get what the rules are hehehe :)))))))))


Anonymous said...

Sarah, t'as de la chance, je te promet. ici y a rien je m'ennui a mourir,j'imagine que si on etait toutes les deux la bas en meme tps on ferai un malheure.profite!! et ne me dis jamais que tu t'ennuis ok ? sinon je viens personnellement ;'-) te mettre une raclé ! compris ?
allez bisous!

sarra said...

ouais ta raisn jaw , mais mouch 9olna c bil anglais
ok so , yeah it was great hope we'll watch one one day.
for my best friend


Anonymous said...

je n'ai jamais assister a un match de foot ball americain. car je ne comprenais rien au debut !! mais maintenant que je commence a comprendre je crois que je dois assister au moins une fois!! ici ils ont les panthers je sais si tu connais cette equipe...
mais bon pour les match de baskets NBA ca je ne manque pas :))
au moins mchit 7 marrat:)
ti 7asilou...
aya a plus!!!

sarra said...

j'aime pas le football americain ni hatta tunsisien car les joueurs ne sont pas tres finshehe mais sinon je connais tres bien les panthers jai fait du babysitting une fois et j'etais bien obligee de regarder le match avec el frou5 el kol et oui
tu savais pas que j'etais a charlotte pour une annee?
tawwa tu le sait sinon ..... le match amalna fih barcha jaw , musique et tout, tout le monde etait bourree aussi c pour ca elkollhom 3amlin jaw
a plus

rasta_raf said...

yo !
Happy to see you having fun ... (je sias pas si la strucutre é correcte mais bon)

nchallah we do a rugby match in the beath one day :p

Anonymous said...

wallahi cht7ab n9ollek je savais pas elli enti kont fi charlotte pendant une annee!! ama kima 9olt enti,tawwa wellit na3ref!!
comment c'etait bellehi? tu as aimer?
moi j'aime pas beaucoup...mais je me suis habitue avec le temps
c'etait un peu dur au debut...
ti 7asilou..
aya gakusei

7a99a chneya gakusei
beslema bel japonais??

sarra said...

@ rasta: yo?? i am not a ''g'' man . hehe
well ta phrase est correcte , le rugby...eee je ne sais meme pas de quoi tu parle .... a la plage ... peut etre volley ball tu veux dire ;)
j'essaye de decripter hehe
@ amine: bein non j'aime pas j'ai meme dis que j'aime pas le foot tunisien aussi j'aime juste faire le supporter pour l'effect que ca donne de crier et se defouler , une coupe d'afrique remonde le tot d'adrenaline au max , est ce que ca vaut le coup? ;)
other than that i like mexican food speaking spanish and watching foreign movies
talking to a hole bunch of people is something amazing
that's about it
see you later